Determine if a user has a particular security role
Consider the situation where a field on a Dynamics 365 form needs to be either shown or hidden...
Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects to add records to a subgrid
This post explains how to ‘re-wire’ the ‘Add Existing Court Orders’ button (Figure 1) to call the Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects...
Make Xrm.WebAPI calls synchronous
This post describes two examples for how to interact with Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords(). The first example demonstrates an asynchronous approach,...
Apply addPreSearch and addCustomFilter to a Lookup
The post describes an example of how to filter the results displayed in a Dynamics 365 lookup control using the client API addPreSearch & addCustomFilter
List of Dynamics 365 issues with a suggested next step
1.) Forms Issue At runtime, an entities’ populated attribute isn’t available in the form’s JavaScript. For example formContext.getAttribute(‘cpl_date’).getValue()...
JavaScript applied to Dynamics 365
Listed below are examples of JavaScript applied to Dynamics 365 JS ‘Common’ Code Snippets Remove {} from a...
Navigate Stages of a Business Process Flow
This post provides a high level description of how to programmatically navigate the stages of a business process...
XRM.Navigation.navigateTo a HTML web resource
This post describes an example of how to use Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo to display a html web resource