Comments Off on Using Postman with the Power Platform
Introduction This post provides some screenshots of how to use Postman to trigger For a detailed explanation of how to setup Postman, please refer to the references at the end of the post Setup
Comments Off on Download large files via Dataverse
Introduction Referring to Figure 1, 1.) On the Dynamics 365 form, a user selects a file to download (e.g. a word document). 2.) Within the form’s custom JavaScript, the custom API
Introduction Referring to Figure 1, 1.) A large file is placed on a Dynamics 365 form (assuming the internet browser used can handle the large file) 2.) Within the form’s custom JavaScript, the
Comments Off on Create a temporary plugin assembly
On a project, it's common for multiple developers to be updating the same Dataverse plugin assembly at the same time. This post describes one way for a developer to make updates to the plug-in
Comments Off on Determining if a user has a particular security role
Introduction Consider the situation where a field on a Dynamics 365 form needs to be either shown or hidden based on whether the logged in user has a particular security role. This is usually
Comments Off on Adding a many-to-many relationship subgrid to a form
Overview This post will provide some screenshots on how to add a many to many subgrid (i.e. N:N subgrid) to a Dynamics 365 form (Figure 1). In the example, many person records will be associated to
Introduction The post provides an overview of how to create a very simple virtual PCF control (Figure 1). It can be configured to display as a ‘No Unknown Yes’ slider or a
Comments Off on Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects to add records to a subgrid
Introduction This post explains how to ‘re-wire’ the ‘Add Existing Court Orders’ button (Figure 1) to call a custom TypeScript function setDefaultView(). Within this function,
Comments Off on Communication between React PCF controls and the form
This issue The PCF framework supports communication between the PCF and form via binding to a field or dataset. However, what if more comprehensive communication is required? This post describes (at