Determine if a user has a particular security role
Consider the situation where a field on a Dynamics 365 form needs to be either shown or hidden...
Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects to add records to a subgrid
This post explains how to ‘re-wire’ the ‘Add Existing Court Orders’ button (Figure 1) to call the Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects...
Communication between React PCF controls and the form
The PCF framework supports communication between the PCF and form via binding to a field or dataset. However,...
Create and deploy a standard PCF control
The post describes the steps involved in creating and deploying a simple PCF control
Make Xrm.WebAPI calls synchronous
This post describes two examples for how to interact with Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords(). The first example demonstrates an asynchronous approach,...
Unit testing with xrm-mock in Visual Studio 2022
The purpose of this post is to provide an introduction on how to set up automated unit testing...
Unit testing with xrm-mock in Visual Studio Code
The post provides a few examples of unit tests for Dynamics 365 client-side TypeScript (Figure 6). It also...
Retrieve multiple records from Dataverse
The post describes several methods for retrieving multiple records from Dataverse
Get started with XrmDefinitelyTyped
XrmDefinitelyTyped generates TypeScript declaration files for Dynamics 365 client-side coding (model driven forms). It’s the TypeScript equivalent of...