Setup a Google Chrome profile

During the course of the day, it’s usual for a developer to

  • log into several different cloud platforms (e.g. Azure) if they’re working for more than one client
  • log into Dynamics 365 using multiple test user accounts

One method to stop having to continuously log into /out of the browser is to use Google Chrome profiles. This post describes how to setup a Google profile for Client A

Setup a Profile

1.) Click on the profile icon in the top right corner of the browser

Figure 1

2.) Pick a theme colour and add an avatar. Then enter the name of the profile (e.g. Client A)

Figure 2

3.) Add the required bookmarks for Client A. See the bookmark bar in Figure 3

Figure 3

Repeat the process to create a second profile for Client B. The result will be that two different profiles are available to be used (Figure 4)

Figure 4

The result is that two profiles are added to the desktop (Figure 5). (To create a desktop shortcut, click on the three dots on the top right corner of the browser. Then select ‘Save and share’, ‘Create shortcut’).

Figure 5

Further reading

Keyboard shortcuts & commands
