Install NuGet packages

This post describes three examples of installing /re-installing NuGet packages:

  • Re-install a NuGet package manually
  • Install NuGet packages from NuGet, via a PowerShell script
  • Install NuGet packages from a local artifact feed, via a PowerShell script & Visual Studio

1.) Re-install a NuGet package manually

a.) Confirm that the NuGet package to be re-installed, exists in (Figure 1)

Figure 1

b.) Setup Visual Studio so that it can connect to

Figure 2

c.) Determine which version of the package is required to be re-installed by viewing packages.config

Figure 3

d.) Manually install the package

Figure 4

e.) Confirm that the missing package now exists in the packages folder i.e. …

  • \packages\Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies.\Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies.

Note: the assemblies are contained within the following folder

  • \packages\Microsoft.CrmSdk.CoreAssemblies.\lib\net462\Microsoft.Crm.Sdk.Proxy.dll & Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.dll

2.) Install NuGet packages via a PowerShell script

a.) Connect to NuGet

Packages can also be downloaded from NuGet by executing the following PowerShell script (called ‘Install packages.ps1’)

The script downloads nuget.exe if it doesn’t already exist on the file system. It then downloads any packages that are listed in packages.config

Figure 5

b.) Connect to a local artifact feed

Packages can also be created, stored and downloaded from a local Artifact feed.

In this example:

  • the local Artifact feed contoso-common-packages contains the NuGet package contosoCmdlets
Figure 6

The location of the Artifact feed is displayed in Figure 7

Figure 7
  • this NuGet package can be downloaded by executing the following PowerShell script ‘Install Contoso Tools.ps1’

  • the NuGet package can also be downloaded in Visual Studio. This can be achieved by adding the artifact feed contoso-common-packages as a ‘Package Sources’ in the ‘NuGet Package Manager’. That is, by adding another Package Source as shown in Figure 8
Figure 8

Further reading

Create an Azure pipeline to build a Dynamics 365 based solution


Get started with NuGet packages in Azure Artifacts