This post describes a simple example of how to generate a power pages web page from a page template (as well as web templates & code snippets). The resulting generated web page being displayed in Figure 1
Create the web template
Go to w3schools and copy the html necessary to generate a html table
Remove the html tags and copy the remaining html into a web template. Include the liquid statement {% include ‘Page Copy’ %}. (This statement is necessary to be able to add components to the generated web page i.e. ‘Choose a component to add to this section’ (Figure 1).)
Create the page template
Generate the web page
Generate a web page by selecting the page template just created. i.e. ‘Contoso – HTML Table’ (Figure 5). This results in a web page (Contoso – Sample Page) being generated (Figure 1)
The website header
Referring to Figure 6, the website header contains a logo and web link
The header (Figure 6) is defined by the web template ‘Contoso – Header’ (Figure 7)
Within the header code (Figure 8) the code snippet for the logo (Figure 9) and the web links (Figure 10) are specified
Further reading
An azure devops pipeline to build a power pages based solution