Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects to add records to a subgrid

This post explains how to ‘re-wire’ the ‘Add Existing Court Orders’ button (Figure 1) to call the Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects client API (with custom defined parameters). The purpose of this being to control which Court Order records are available for selection in Figure 2.

Figure 1

Figure 2 shows the ‘Lookup Records’ dialog which is generated when Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects is executed. The Lookup Records dialog references records such as ‘Test Court Order 2’ via it’s entity reference. (Note: click on the magnifying glass icon to see the filtered list.)

Figure 2

In detail

In Figure 3, the custom TypeScript function setDefaultView() defines the parameters which are sent to Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects() (Figure 4)

Figure 3

In Figure 4, the TypeScript function associateAddExistingResults() adds the selected record/s (i.e. the entity reference stored in the ‘results’ field) to the subgrid (the code for this function isn’t listed in this post).

Figure 4

The function setDefaultView() in Figure 3 is added to the court order ribbon (Figures 5 & 6). Note: Figure 5 shows the OOTB ‘Add Existing’ button being modified. A better approach would have been to create a new button. The reason being is that the court order subgrid could be placed on entities other than case review. In this case, the modified ‘Add Existing’ button wouldn’t work without further modification

Figure 5

Button Visibility

The ‘Add Existing’ button should only be displayed when it’s on a case review form. Below, is a description of how to achieve this using an ‘Enable Rule’ and JavaScript. Another option would be to create a display rule (which runs on the server) and add a FormEntityContextRule step (see Appendix 2)

Figure 6

In Figure 7, the TypeScript function visibilityRuleAddNewCourtOrderButton() is required to determine the visibility of the ‘Add Exisiting Court Orders’ button

Figure 7

This function (visibilityRuleAddNewCourtOrderButton()) is added to the court order ribbon

Figure 8


1.) Hidden parameter

To see how Microsoft leverages Xrm.Utility.lookupObjects, it’s possible to use the browser debugger to view the file Main_system_library.js.

Referring to Figure 1, when the button ‘Add Existing Court Orders’ (the out of the box version) is pressed, it sets the ‘regarding’ on the Court Order to the Case Review. It achieves this by using a hidden parameter called ‘createFromEntity’ (see below).

2.) FormEntityContextRule

Referring to Figure 9, a couple of things to note:

  • Un-Customised = False means that the button (the out of the box version) has customisation
  • ‘Invert Result’ will, for example & unsurprisingly, invert a result from false to true
Figure 9

Further reading

Display associated records on a Dynamics 365 forms related tab


Mastering Ribbon Workbench 2016 – Part 5 – Hiding buttons conditional to the form context