The post provides an overview of how to create a very simple virtual PCF control (Figure 1). It can be configured to display as a ‘No Unknown Yes’ slider or a ‘Percentage’ slider

Configuring the Control
The following example illustrating how to configure the control as a ‘No Unknown Yes’ slider
1.) Place a whole number column called cpl_employed on the form (Figure 2)

2.) Add the pcf control to the cpl_employed column (Figure 3)

Creating the Control
The first step in creating the control is to execute the following line
pac pcf init -ns ContosoPcfControls -n SliderControl -t field -npm -fw react
Next, the control is updated with code based on references 1 & 2 (listed at the bottom of this post)
The resulting code for the completed control is as follows

Referring to Figure 5, the following aspects of the code are worth noting:
Line 26 – uses a destructuring assignment. (Reference 3.)
Line 28 – checks if the specified condition is truthy. (Reference 4.)

Referring to Figure 6,
Line 20 – React.memo (Definition from – Wrap a component in memo
to get a memoized version of that component. This memoized version of your component will usually not be re-rendered when its parent component is re-rendered as long as its props have not changed.)
Line 25 – React.useCallback (Definition from – Call useCallback
at the top level of your component to cache a function definition between re-renders)

Testing the control
Referring to Figure 10 & 11, the slider is moved from ‘Unknown’ to ‘Yes’

Lifecycle of the control

This section describes how to test (very limited testing in this case) the slider component within a React app (Figure 14)
React App

1.) Create the React app
In the ‘Developer PowerShell’ of Visual Studio, type
- npx create-react-app my-react-app –template typescript
- cd my-react-app
- npm run build
- npm start

2.) Add the slider control to the newly created react app by adding or updating the following files (refer to Figures 17, 18, 19, 20 & 21)
- SliderComponent.tsx
- App.tsx
- App.css
- package.json
- tsconfig.json
Then in the ‘Developer PowerShell’ of Visual Studio, execute the commands
- npm install
- npm start
Note: if the following error is generated, make sure the case of each folder structure matches
[eslint] Plugin “react” was conflicted between “package.json >> eslint-config-react-app >> C:\Users\dminer\source\repos\products-framework\code\Pcf.Controls\my-react-app\node_modules\eslint-config-react-app\base.js and “BaseConfig >> C:\Users\dminer\source\repos\products-framework\Code\Pcf.controls\my-react-app\node_modules\eslint-config-react-app\base.js

Further reading
Create and deploy a standard pcf control
6.) Powerful Devs Conference 1:54:48
8.) Virtual React PCF Code Components
9.) Building awesome PCF’s using React Hooks – David Rivard
10.) Hooked to PCF – React Hooks in PCF Development – Power Apps Development Bootcamp